Bavarian Scientific Alliance for Peace, Conflict, and Security Research

Fostering research and teaching in Bavaria – Impact in Bavaria, Germany and Europe

The network Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions participates in the Bavarian Scientific Alliance for Peace, Conflict, and Security Research, newly founded in 2024. The University of Bayreuth and the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg are members of the Alliance. Our Bayreuthian network members coordinate the thematic cluster “Economy, Technology, and Climate”, and Prof. Jana Hönke (University of Bayreuth) acts as the current deputy speaker of the Alliance steering committee.

Goals of the Bavarian scientific alliance

The Bavarian Scientific Alliance for Peace, Conflict, and Security Research pools the interdisciplinary expertise in these subject areas at Bavaria’s universities. The aim is to develop research-based perspectives on these topics in times of growing global challenges and insecurities. Thereby, the Alliance strives for identifying social and political solutions in dialogue with decision-makers.

To this end, the Bavarian Scientific Alliance seeks to create a network of research on peace, conflict, and security policy topics at Bavarian universities that is visible in Germany, Europe and internationally. On these grounds, an internationally recognized institution will be founded. Moreover, the transfer of knowledge will be promoted through public events and intensive dialogue with stakeholders from politics, civil society, business, and the military. This will produce political strategies for dealing with peace and security challenges.

FOcal Points

The Scientific Alliance bundles excellent research at Bavarian universities on these topics in the social sciences and humanities as well as the natural and technical sciences. The Alliance focuses on four main topics: Peace and War; International Law and Human Rights; Economy, Technology, and Climate; and Culture, Democracy, and Ethics. These clusters consider both national and transnational, supra- and international configurations and actors.

This is complemented by special expertise on various regions of the world at Bavarian universities, which is a unique feature of Bavaria’s research landscape. The Scientific Alliance comprises six regional focus areas: Global level, Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and the Near and Middle East. These bring together the diverse regional expertise of various universities in Bavaria, which has not yet been sufficiently networked thematically.

Working structure

The Bavarian Scientific Alliance strives for membership of all universities in Bavaria. Current members are the University of Regensburg (Chair of the Presidium), the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, the School of Philosophy (Munich) and the Universities of Bayreuth, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Passau, Würzburg, and Bamberg.

The Alliance is chaired by the Presidium, consisting of the presidents of the universities. The scientific work is coordinated by the Scientific Steering Committee. This includes Prof. Dr. Stephan Stetter (Spokesperson, University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich), Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg), Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke (University of Bayreuth), Prof. Dr. Michael Reder (School of Philosophy), and Dr. Cindy Wittke (University of Regensburg).

The work of the Alliance is supported by the Fellow Assembly, which comprises professors and post-docs. These have an excellent research profile in the thematic and regional clusters.

Photo: Foundation of the alliance in February 2024 (©Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst)