Interview with Prof. Andreas Wirsching on the dangers emanating from the AfD

Handelsblatt, 5.2.2024

Book review „Zur Intervention. Afghanistan und die Folgen“

Deutschlandfunk, 30.10.2023

Talk series “Challenges of Peace and Conflict Research due to the War on Ukraine”

German Association for Historical Peace and Conflict Research (AKHF)

Video of the panel discussion “The Russian War on Ukraine: What Remains of Germany’s ‘Pacifism’?”

Institut für Zeitgeschichte, München 10.11.2022

Report on the panel discussion “Crises of our times – what answers do Peace and Conflict Studies offer?”

Nordbayerischer Kurier, Bayreuth 26.10.2022

Interview with Dr. Julia Eichenberg on the situation of the peace movement in the context of the Russian attack on Ukraine

Bayerischer Rundfunk, 16.4.2022

Report on the lecture by Dr. Julia Eichenberg “How can historical science help to understand the current war in Ukraine?”

Nordbayerischer Kurier, Bayreuth 7.4.2022

Interview with PD Dr. Florian Kühn and Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke – Ukraine War: “Offering Russia a Way Out”

Nordbayerischer Kurier, Bayreuth 3.3.2022