October 25th, 2022, 19:00
Lecture hall 34, building “INF/AI” on campus, University of Bayreuth
War, climate change, pandemic, supply chains, energy prices – there seems to be just crisis upon crisis in contemporary news. Their disruptions entail conflicts over resources, struggles for power, debates on conflict resolution strategies, and resistance for and against social change.
The participants of the roundtable discuss how research focusing on peace and conflict can address these challenges. Can research help in understanding their causes and dynamics? Which “conflicts” get attention and what role do researchers and academic context play in this? Can scholars develop and promote strategies of conflict resolution – and should this even be a goal of academic research?
To address these questions, the participants will highlight various conflicts of our times. They will illustrate approaches from political science, history, and economics, and critically discuss the opportunities and limitations of peace and conflict studies.

The discussion round will launch the new, interdisciplinary network of peace and conflict researchers at the University of Bayreuth. At the same time, it is the prelude to a new discussion series “Bayreuther Friedensgespräche“ (Bayreuth Peace Talks).
Roundtable participants:
- Dr. Julia Eichenberg (History)
- PD Dr. Florian Kühn (International Relations)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma (Economic Geography)
Host: Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke
Greetings: Prof. Dr. Stefan Leible (President of the University of Bayreuth)
Discussion will be followed by a small reception with pretzels and drinks. No registration necessary.
Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Organized with support from the BMBF-funded projects “Deutungskämpfe im Übergang” and “Postcolonial Hierarchies.” For further information, please visit: www.peaceandconflict.uni-bayreuth.de