24.-25. Oktober 2024 | Universität Bayreuth

Der Workshop „(Dis)Arming Responsibility“ versammelt europäische Wissenschaftler*innen, Praktiker*innen und Aktivist*innen, um die Verantwortung von Waffenherstellern, besonders in Europa, kritisch zu beleuchten. Dabei werden Fragen der Rechenschaftspflicht im Rüstungssektor vor allem aus historischer Perspektive untersucht. Zugleich bietet der Workshop die Möglichkeit zur Vernetzung, um auf aktuelle politische Herausforderungen im Bereich der Waffenproduktion reagieren zu können.

Workshop theme

The workshop brings together an interdisciplinary team of European scholars, practitioners, and activists engaged in studying international arms production and transfer, with a particular focus on European arms companies.  While there has been significant scholarly attention devoted to the responsibilities of states in managing the trade in arms, much less research has examined the corporate side of the equation, and even less has sought to investigate the responsibilities of arms manufacturers from a critical historical approach.

The workshop engages social scientists and historians at the intersection of security studies, international law, and political economy to collaboratively explore questions of responsibility and accountability with respect to arms manufacturing over time. Significantly, this also includes several practitioners, as organizations like the Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) and Shadow World Investigations are significant contributors to our understanding of the European arms trade and its accountability gaps. At a time of significant militarization and dramatic increase in the production of arms across the European continent, the workshop also offers the opportunity to develop a network of concerned scholars and activists collectively attuned to the politics of the current moment.

While the workshop is by invitation only, a limited number of additional places are available. If you are interested, please contact Bretton J. McEvoy.

Organized by Bretton J. McEvoy from the Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions network at the University of Bayreuth.

With financial support from the internal funding pool (TALENT 5/5/5), University of Bayreuth.

