The network aims at the foundation of a regional Center for Peace and Conflict Research. For this, we foster, intensify, and consolidate cooperation within this area of research in Bavaria.

A central goal of the network is to connect peace and conflict researchers in Bavaria. We promote this particularly through workshops with a focus on interdisciplinary cooperation. For example, the first networking workshop (2-3 February 2023) brought together around 25 peace researchers from Bavaria at the University of Augsburg.
Members of Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions participate in the Bavarian Scientific Alliance for Peace, Conflict, and Security Research. In this context, we also support the Bavarian Symposiums of Peace and Conflict Research.

At Bayreuth our research network furthered the creation of the UBT Peace and Conflict group in October 2022. It aims to create research synergies, inspire new projects, and deepen interdisciplinary discussions.
Furthermore, our network hosts the newly-created mailing list “Peaceandconflict-Bayern”, which allows colleagues within the region (and beyond) to share news, event annoucements, and ideas for collaboration. You can subscribe by sending a brief message to
Teaching & promotion of young scholars
The network furthers the exchange and cooperation for developing practice-oriented teaching concepts in Peace and Conflict Research. For this, the cooperation of lecturers within the network is enhanced, amongst others for the cooperative development of teaching formats and sequences for university courses as well as for educational work outside campus.
To anchor Peace and Conflict Research more broadly in Bavaria, the network promotes young scholars. Most importantly, we offer young scholar workshops to facilitate networking and interdisciplinary exchange of doctoral students and senior lecturers in the field of Peace and Conflict Research in Bavaria.