Our colleague Daniel Stahl (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) recently presented the results of his research within Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions at the conference Who is Afraid of Normativity?. The conference was organized to honor the 40th anniversary of the Arbeitskreis Historische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (AKHF).

In his lecture, PD Dr. Daniel Stahl analyzes the differing perspectives on the Argentine military dictatorship during the subsequent democratization process. The military viewed their rule as a legitimate war against subversion, while democratic governments saw peace as achievable only through the process of democratization and by making concessions to the military, such as limited prosecution. In contrast, the human rights movement associated peace with justice and advocated for prosecution as a means to establish societal peace, while rejecting the military’s perspective of the conflict as a war.

Find the video and podcast of the lecture (on the L.I.S.A. Science Portal, Gerda Henkel Foundation)



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