Jan Sändig and Jana Hönke, members of Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions, recently published a new article (together with Claude Kabemba) within the area of Peace and Conflict Research. Contention and concessions: Exploring the […]
24-25 October 2024 | University of Bayreuth The workshop brings together an interdisciplinary team of European scholars, practitioners, and activists engaged in studying international arms production and transfer, with a […]
“Coloniality of Peace” by Mahdis Azarmandi & Christina Pauls was recently published within the Virtual Encyclopaedia – Rewriting Peace and Conflict. The coloniality of peace describes how appeals to peace […]
2nd Networking Workshop for Peace and Conflict Research in Bavaria7.-8.10.2024 | Augsburg The BMBF-funded network Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions is inviting for its 2nd Networking Workshop for Peace and Conflict Research in Bavaria. […]
Peace Graffiti
28-30 October 2024, Franken-Akademie/Schloss Schney in Lichtenfels The BMBF-funded research network Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions invites young scholars to a PhD workshop. The aim is to discuss research projects, connect with others, and […]
The research network Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict Studies and the South-South program of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) are calling for the selection of five […]
We hosted two exciting postcolonial thinkers – Swati Parashar & Adam Sandor – at the University of Bayreuth on 30 April 2024. Relisten to their talk: “The Bodies that don’t […]
Peace Summer School 2024 – „Konfliktokratie: über Konflikt und Demokratie sprechen“19-21 July 2024 | Im Annahof 4, Augsburg Details on the program and registration (in German) The Peace Summer School […]
Picture that says peace report
The Peace Report/Friedensgutachten 2024 was published recently, co-edited by the BICC, IFSH, INEF, and PRIF – four leading peace and conflict research institutes in Germany. Summary The global conflict situation […]
DSF Logo
“Responses to the climate crisis: Implications for peace and security” The German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF) awards funding to support research projects that deal with the effects of the […]
Argentinia 1985
On 3 June 2024 (18:00), the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and the International Academy of Nuremberg Principles will be screening “Argentina, 1985.” The film will be shown in its original language (Spanish) […]
Review of Cornelissen & Mondini (Hrsg.) 2021: The Mediatization of War and Peace. The Role of the Media in Political Communication, Narratives, and Public Memory (1914–1939). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. […]
The Bodies that don’t count: Understanding the Coloniality of Violence in our Times 30 April 2024 | 18-19:30 | Kunstmuseum Bayreuth (Maximilianstr. 33) Discussion between Swati Parashar (University of Gothenburg)and […]
The Bavarian Science Alliance for Peace, Conflict and Security Research is a new cross-university research network to promote these fields of research and the transfer of knowledge to politics and […]
The special issue – freshly published in Environment and Security – brings together two stands of research that have hitherto often been examined separately: climate-related conflict and environmental peacebuilding. By […]
Postcolonial Re-evaluations: On interpreting Conflicts, Violence, and War 25 April 2024 | Workshop at the University of Bayreuth with Swati Parashar (School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University) This workshop invites […]
Sharepic mit der Aufschrift "New Virtual Encyclopaedia ‘Rewriting Peace and Conflict’"
Our colleagues from Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict have developed a virtual Encyclopaedia – online now!   What is it about?    Scholars, practitioners and activists from different geographies […]
Peace Graffiti
17-18 September 2024 | Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg Keynote speaker: Prof. Andrea Petö (Central European University) Narratives of violence pervade our discursive environment and manifest materially, often in normalising […]
On 16 February 2024, the Presidents and representatives of five Bavarian universities founded a new research alliance in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies. The cooperation – Bayerische Wissenschaftsallianz […]
Bericht von Rachel Owusu & Jan Sändig (Universität Bayreuth) Angesichts der Kampfhandlungen in der Ukraine, darunter die Zerstörung des Kachowka-Staudamms, drang ein oft vernachlässigtes, jedoch hochrelevantes Thema zuletzt mehr in […]
9-10 October 2024 | Technical University of Munich (TUM Science & Study Center Raitenhaslach) The annual Workshop on Conflict Dynamics brings together early career researchers working on political violence, including […]
On 30 November 2023, a round table event was held in cooperation with the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial on the topic of “The History of Concentration Camp Survivors’ Associations after […]
We are pleased about the nice review of the recently published volume “Zur Intervention. Afghanistan und die Folgen” within the series “Andruck” of Deutschlandfunk radio. The volume was edited by […]
This week, 19 young peace and conflict researchers will meet at Lichtenfels for discussing their doctoral projects. The cooperation with the GGS Augsburg allows for an additional session on “Strengthening […]
Freshly available – the volume Zur Intervention: Afghanistan und die Folgen, edited by our co-coordinator Florian Kühn together with Teresa Koloma Beck (University of Hamburg), has just been published by […]
The Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) is currently holding is Annual Conference „(Re-)Ordering Eastern Europe“ (12-13 October 2023) at Regensburg. As keynote speaker, Martin Müller (University […]
As part of the doctoral students’ forum at the 54th German Historians’ Day, Alexander Schwarz gave a visual presentation of his research topic. As a research associate at the University […]
Die Bayerische Wissenschaftsallianz für Friedens-, Konflikt- und Sicherheitsforschung ist ein im Aufbau befindliches, mit Mitteln des Freistaates Bayern gefördertes hochschulübergreifendes Forschungsnetzwerk. Gründungsmitglieder sind die Universität Augsburg (Trägeruniversität), die Universität der […]
Kein Frieden ohne Konflikt? Bayerisches Netzwerk erforscht die Rolle von Deutungskämpfen in Gesellschaften weltweit Kürzlich stellte Jan Sändig, Co-Koordinator des Regionalclusters „Deutungskämpfe im Übergang“ an der Universität Bayreuth, den Verbund […]
First workshop for PhD candidates in peace and conflict studies in Bavaria 26-28 October 2023 | Franken-Akademie/Schloss Schney in Lichtenfels The research network conflicts.meanings.transitions – Bavarian Center for Peace and […]
Vom 21.-23. Juli 2023 veranstaltet der ASKA e.V. (Alumni und Studierende der Konfliktforschung Augsburg) zusammen mit dem Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft, Friedens- und Konfliktforschung der Universität Augsburg die dreitägige Peace Summer […]
All things change the same? Inception workshop of Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions 21-23 June 2023, University of Bayreuth The workshop tackled different approaches to the study of peace and conflict in transitionprocesses focusing […]
4.7.2023 | 18:00 Uhr | S-Forum der Stadtbücherei, Ernst-Reuther Platz 1, 86150 Augsburg Vortrag und Diskussion mit Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel, Mitherausgeber des „Friedensgutachtens“. Janina Hentschel, Leiterin des Büros für […]
‘Let the Field Speak’: Re-visiting the Rules of Knowledge Production in Peace and Conflict Studies 21st June 2023  |  18:00–19:30 | Historischer Sitzungssaal, Altes Rathaus/Kunstmuseum, Maximilianstr. 33, Bayreuth Keynote speech […]
A selection of pictures from the Roundtable Wissenschaft trifft Politik: Sicherheit durch Krisenprävention, which took place on 26 May 2023 at the Bavarian State Parliament. Photo credit: Andrea Stölzl Opening […]
26. Mai 2023 | 15-17 Uhr | Bayerischer Landtag, MünchenAnmeldung erforderlich Die GRÜNEN im Bayerischen Landtag laden Sie am 26. Mai um 15 Uhr ein zur Veranstaltung „Wissenschaft trifft Politik: […]
“‘The Welser-Phantom’: How has the Welser Colony in Venezuela been remembered?” Lecture and book presentation with livestream26 May 2023, 16:00-18:00Location: Fugger und Welser Erlebnismuseum, Äußeres Pfaffengässchen 23, 86152 Augsburg The […]
Keynote speech by our distinguished colleague Prof. Navnita Chadha Behera (University of Delhi): „Let the field speak: Re-visiting the rules of knowledge production in peace and conflict studies“ Host: PD […]
22.5.2023, 18-20, Iwalewahaus Bayreuth and online A Bayreuth Peace Talk hosted by the UBT Peace and Conflict Research Network and the IAS. Online participation is possible! Since April 15th 2023, […]
The German Association for Historical Peace and Conflict Research (AKHF) recently continued its talk series. The latest round has been on “Challenges of Peace and Conflict Research due to the […]
The workshop of the Bavarian Center for Peace and Conflict Research (BZeFK) in Augsburg was kicked off prominently by Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture and Media. More than […]
We are thankful to Claudia Roth (State Secretary for Culture and Media) as well as Jürgen Enninger (Department for Culture, World Heritage and Sport at Augsburg) for the interesting discussion […]
Thank you for joining us at the Reichshof Bayreuth on January 26, 2023 for the event titled “11 Monate Krieg gegen die Ukraine – Was war, was kommt?” Please see […]
On February 2 and 3, 2023, 25 academics will meet in Augsburg for an intensive exchange on existing research priorities and cooperation opportunities in order to further strengthen peace and […]
Podiumsdiskussion in der Reihe „Bayreuther Friedensgespräche“ Am 24. Februar 2022 begann Russland seinen Angriff auf die Ukraine. Seitdem ist fast ein Jahr vergangen. Die Universität Bayreuth möchte dies zum Anlass […]
Die großen Herausforderungen des noch jungen Jahrtausends werden geprägt durch Konflikte, die oft Folge, aber auch Ursache krisenhafter politischer Entwicklungen sind. Globale Hegemoniekämpfe, zerfallende regionale Sicherheitsordnungen und nationale Eskalationsstrategien – […]
October 25th, 2022, 19:00Lecture hall 34, building “INF/AI” on campus, University of Bayreuth
What signs have been missed by policymakers and why? How do we get to peace negotiations? And what impact does the war of aggression have on other regions of the […]
